B-USEFUL deliverables
End-user needs and project co-creation
D1.1 Description of user forum
D1.2 Barriers to biodiversity conservation and information needs including dimensions to include in indicators
D1.3 Co-creating monitoring tools and scenarios for marine biodiversity
Data integration and harmonization
D2.1 Preliminary Data Management Plan
Lead responsible for the report: Neil Holdsworth,
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea,
Submission date: 30.03.2023
D2.2 Report of available meta data and data gaps across case studies
Lead responsible for the report: Submission date: Maria Teresa Spedicato, FONDAZIONE COISPA ETS,
Submission date: 22.03.2024
D2.3 Data management plan and report on data sets and data sharing protocols
Biodiversity status and cumulative impacts
D3.1 Report on temporal trends and spatial patterns of multiple biodiversity indicators
D3.2 Report on state-pressure relationships and cumulative impacts across European waters
D3.3 Report on relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functions and service
Risk and vulnerability
D4.1 Report on species and/or habitats particularly at risk in different European regional seas
Lead responsible for the report:
Georg H. Engelhard, Cefas,
Submission date: 30.09.2024
- D4.1 B-USEFUL Report (PDF, 5 MB)
- D4.1 B-USEFUL Supporting material ALL (ZIP, 366 KB)
- D4.1 APPENDIX 1 Cantabrian WMed fish inverts (ZIP, 366 KB)
- D4.1 APPENDIX 2 Northeast Atlantic fish (ZIP, 250 KB)
- D4.1 APPENDIX 3 WMed fish inverts comm ncom (ZIP, 53 KB)
- D4.1 APPENDIX 4 NorthSea inverts SE.RE.VU (ZIP, 30 KB)
D4.2 Report on community-level risk scores and ‘hotspots’ for different European regional seas
D4.3 Report on spatial overlap analysis of European marine protected areas and those areas identified as ‘hotspots’ of risk from anthropogenic pressures including climate change
Forecasting and scenario simulations
D5.1 Report on predictions of marine biodiversity in European Seas
D5.2 Report on projected risks and vulnerabilities of species and communities
D5.3 Report on scenario-based projections of biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services
Decision-support and outreach to policy and training
D6.1 Online, decision-support platform developed, approved by end-users and launched
D6.2 Plan for adaptive management to support decision-making in response to end user and policy needs at the different levels
D6.3 Exploitation & Dissemination Strategy in direct support of KPIs for Impact
D6.4 Project knowledge dissemination via the Science-Policy Interfaces with user activities (roundtable and capacity building) to support
D6.5 Compilation of high-end evidence report for end user needs
D6.6 E-learning platform for education and training launched
Project coordination
D7.1 Submission of periodic report M18
Lead responsible for the report: Martin Lindegren,
DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Resources,
Submission date: 30.03.2023